Friday, October 19, 2007


Burbank hosts the Bob Hope Airport. It is small. Non-intimidating. A bit of a time warp. I felt as though I were in the 50's. We may snicker at the smallness of Syracuse Hancock International, but it sure is easy to get around. And so is the Bob Hope at Burbank. Definitely a friendlier introduction to LA than the LAX, where we landed last year. I will try to arrange flights to Bob Hope from now on.

We are staying with dear friends, Jong and Jiwon. Originally from Korea, they spent several years in Potsdam where they attended CFC. Now a job has brought them here. What a delight to see their smiling faces and share some Korean cuisine.

Yesterday Julia, Danica, Jameson and I set Danica's GPS for White Chapel Place in Thousand Oaks, home of our hosts last year. I couldn't bear to be this close and not say hello to these wonderful folks. Their home is like a private retreat, not because of the beauty and luxury (although the beauty and luxury abounds), but because of their incredible gift of hospitality. I walk in their door and feel like family. Now Danica does, too, and she and Ryan can spend a weekend with them sometime in the future.

Julia plays for the competition tomorrow; she has been diligent to practice several hours since arriving. She anticipates meeting many of the same participants from the last international competition, and for that she is excited. She is building some new relationships. Who knows what the Lord may be doing?


"My mother was going to abortion me," she informed us in her quaint Korean tones, as we sat sharing an American breakfast of biscuits and cheese, "but she happened to go to a Catholic hospital and a nurse there talked to her for two hours and persuaded her that it was murder. Now she knows that she would have missed the blessing of me! That would have been me!"

I responded, of course, with tears in my eyes. How sad. How pitiful. How many blessings have been tossed aside, lost to a hoax, an evil deception that tells them life will be better without that blessing. Or worse yet, the liar whispered that it would not be a blessing at all. Liar. Liar. Liar. I hate Satan, I hate that sin, I hate that lie. I hate it.

Jiwon was amazed to learn that abortion was legal in America. She didn't know. She was appalled and shocked. With a perplexed expression she commented, "It is not legal in Korea." Perhaps we (the church) haven't been as diligent as we should be in informing the new believer about this liberal American atrocity. Perhaps we need to remember regularly the unborn who are tossed away each day - since 1973. The years have dulled our passion. The numbers make us numb, indifferent. 126,000 - every day. But each one might have someday been sitting at a kitchen table declaring that their mother "would have abortioned me but now she knows what a blessing I have been."

What a sad reminder it was.


Blogger Quinne said...

Hi Darlene :)
It is a joy to read that you are having a lovely trip! Looking forward to hearing about the competition today and more of your adventures. Love, Q

3:51 PM  
Blogger TrashTidBits said...

Hey Darlene,

Glad you are enjoying your time in CA. Say hi to my dear friends Jong & Jiwon. I miss them and you too.

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a teenager, I aborted two babes and not a day goes by that I don't regret it. It is a burden on my soul and although I know God has forgiven me, I still haven't forgiven myself, even today, some 20 something years later. Yes, we have to educate as a Christian community, that children are a blessing.

1:21 PM  

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