Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sunday, Sunday

Jamie is headed back to Virginia. Dad drove him to Syracuse. I stayed home to spend a little time with Brietta - I have hardly seen her since she arrived three days ago!

Had a great time Saturday morning. I meet with 5-6 young women to discuss Titus 2 topics. It has been so refreshing. Last week we talked about submission to husbands and God's will. Yesterday we looked at child training - always so many practical questions when it comes to this. But we also considered the importance of knowing the final goal - having children who love God and hunger for His will in their lives. We will continue this discussion next week.

I missed gathering with the saints for church today. I was sorry for that - I love corporate worship. I also had especially wanted to see a friend that I rarely see outside of church. But Camilla was not feeling well, so I was home with her and Merrick as well as my little grandson, Gabriel. It was good to spend time with him.

So many things to ponder in this life. At times it leaves the mind boggled - at least mine. But then I remember to rest in the simplicity of His love. He will give revelation. He will lead us in all truth. He promises as much. It is true that we must seek. But He still is the only one with the answers. I guess that means I'll seek Him alone.

Growing in love is the all important thing. This cannot be disputed. Let us seek Him for that as well.