Monday, January 09, 2006


Meek - not prideful or arrogant, a humble spirit, not marked by false pride.

But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Psalm 37.11

I have wrestled time and time again in an effort to change my makeup. Don't we all have weaknesses that we would like to erase, strengths that lead us astray, frailties, and error? Perhaps it is only me, perhaps you as well. But one thing I have discovered; I am unable to effect a change.

This leads me to one place and one place only - the cross. In absolute humility and acceptance of my weakness and frailty, in acknowledgement of my need, I come. Without an ability to fix it, I come. "Just as I am, I come."

Oh, what peace is afforded through the cross, and not only because of the promised help that I find there. Oh, there is joy enough to be attained in knowing that He will work in me to accomplish His good will. He will transform me! But the cross elicits humility. Indeed, I am not sure that we can truly arrive at the foot of the cross apart from brokenness - a setting aside of our false pride and self-effort. And it is there that the path to peace begins.

In time I have come to learn that my peace is not dependent on the outworking of His promise. Peace is mine today because I can lay down the wrestling. I simply come, knowing that it is His responsibility to perform the change. If He wants me to hear, it is my part to yield my ear; it is His part to open the ear. By acknowledging what responsibility is mine and what is His, I enter into freedom from unnecessary stiving.

Oh, what peace is mine. My soul is in His Hand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurry up with that book, would ya?
:~) P.S. Have you read Created to be His Help Meet? What did you think?

4:11 PM  

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