Tuesday, July 31, 2018

One Thing

But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her."  ~  Luke 10.41,42 NLT
Mary had chosen the good part, the One Thing that was needed. Just One Thing.

So what are we to learn from this? Can we sit at His feet all day long, day after day? This isn't realistic! So what to do? Is He suggesting that we all adopt asceticism?

Never. He is not giving us rules to follow, numbers of minutes or hours to check off a list. It goes much deeper and yet is much simpler.

He is saying that in all of life - in every place, in every time, in every generation and nation - there always has been and always will be only One Thing that matters. How simple is that? One Thing to keep our eyes on. One Thing to run after. One Thing to dominate the landscape and fill our vision and heart. One Thing alone matters.

Don't be distracted. Instead, choose that One Thing.

Profoundly simple. Deep enough for the most scholarly thinker. Elementary enough for a child.

That One Thing is discipleship: knowing Him and what He represents: His Kingdom. His eternal Kingdom.

Live for One Thing. Keep His Lordship ever before you. Sit at His feet, hang on His every word. Ingest them, letting them work in your heart and mind to bring life, holiness, renewal and transformation.

Let every single choice be guided by your discipleship to Him and His plan for living. Sometimes that will mean making a meal; sometimes it will mean sitting at His feet instead of making that meal.

Is your heart distracted by doing, by becoming something apart from your identity as a disciple of Christ? He is saying, "Choose Me. Let that thing go and choose me." It may look like "less" according to this world. It may look like flipping burgers at Burger King in lieu of taking that important and high-wage job in Manhattan so that you can be a part of building His kingdom through a healthy local church. It may look like changing diapers all day everyday while that Masters Degree sits in the closet getting moth-eaten. It may mean giving up church planting to do His bidding elsewhere. It may even mean stopping it all just to sit at His feet for a season. Only He knows. So choose to listen to Him and let Him guide you.

From an early age our culture addresses little children in this manner: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Implied is occupation, employment. How do you hope to employ your time, to engage your attentions? As we generously begin to supply possible answers for that youngster, "Teacher? Astronaut? Actor? Doctor?" they listen with wonder-filled eyes. And so begins their quest for identity and purpose. We've led them astray just as we were led astray.

Jesus is saying, "No. No. Don't look there." He is saying it is much simpler. There is One Thing only. One simple choice that is right and good. Jesus is saying that the correct answer is "Disciple". Choose to become a disciple of Jesus. Let that be your life's occupation, your life's purpose, and your identity. Nothing else matters.

Learn from Him. Be changed by Him. Adopt His teaching in every aspect of living. Let your home, relationships, aspirations, service, and occupational and educational pursuits be motivated by discipleship to Him.

It is the only thing that is really needed. All the rest is meaningless without Him.
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed -- or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."  ~  Luke 10.41,42 NIV


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