Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Two Birthdays, Three Churches, Four Nights, Five Brass Players, #6 Train, Seven Sweet Potatoes, and Eight People in a Mini-Van

Our "small" family (Mom, Dad, and the three school-type kids) planned a quick trip to the LI area for a weekend of observation (Dad wanted to take notes on a church planting strategy being used by Redeemer Presbyterian Church on Manhattan), sight-seeing (we've been studying immigration so Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty were on our list), and best of all, visiting Aunt Judy and Uncle Huck.

Somewhat last minute-ish, Daniel, Brietta, and princess Aubrey joined us, making our mini-van cozy and chock-full! We laughed and sang, heard about "transformers" and discussed reformers, stopped for coffee and violins, ate egg sandwiches and pizza, debated trinity and monotheism, slept and tried not to complain when the legs couldn't stretch quite far enough. It was the best!

Additional fun was found in sharing church and NY pizza with our dear friends the Hulls, who just happened to have a NYC day planned as well. They trucked on out to Northport and shared a couple of nights at Aunt Judy's, who loves having company at most any time!

Upon our arrival home we celebrated two sons' birthdays with friends and remaining family. Today will be the usual "landing" -- unpacking, regrouping, wondering what to do first, and the like. But first, my overdue post must be written. Off I go!