Saturday, June 17, 2006

Those Turning Seasons

We all know that I can be quite sentimental. Fortunately, the Lord delivered me from the negative extremes I once experienced. But the positive side of sentimentality was the awareness of how quickly time would pass. I was never (well, rarely) guilty of wishing my life away.

I was never eager for the last day of school and even as a young child I was content to wait for Christmas morning, knowing that once those pretty presents were open some of the magic would be over.

As a new mom I was happy to experience every day of each pregnancy and I was forever hoping to put off that toddler's first step (after all, there is only one first step for each babe...) I didn't wish that they were older and more responsible -- those days would come in due season -- but for now it was this season and this season comes but once.

After each daughter married and moved out, I stepped inside their bedroom, and looked around in unbelief -- they were gone -- their tenure here was over. I was right. It had gone quickly and the pain brought by their absence was real.

Now my Louissa has graduated. She is not moving away -- yet. But the daily tutelage has ended. A season has passed. Oh, how I loved the season. How I will miss those precious days with her.

But how special the next season will be as well. I just won't hold as prominent a role in her life, and that is okay. It is an adjustment, but a good one. And sooner or later this somewhat seasoned mom will figure out how to make the most of this new season. Hopefully sooner than later...


Blogger TrashTidBits said...

A child's viewpoint: moms always hold a prominent role in lives of their children, the role may change, but nevertheless it is a prominent one.

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was a tear jerker. and it was all wonderfully put.

9:57 PM  

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