Monday, April 17, 2006

A Busy Week Ahead of Odds and Ends

Well, busy for husbands and kids but not necessarily me. Only busy watching...

He will be off to Dallas, Texas for a dear old friend's ordination. Marshall Cline will be ordained as he takes on the pastorate of a small work in Texas. Old friends are always a treasure.

We hope to entertain Dr. Henline this Tuesday evening with music, food, and laughter -- Sinclair style. Hope we don't overwhelm him!

School and music lessons return to normal routine for the homeschool crowd. Last week was a bit of a wash with presbytery meetings all those nights followed by Easter prep. Sure was a special week, but now it is gone and simple living must return (I can always hope for such, can't I?)

Jamie and Stephen are done with break from Potsdam State and are waiting at the door for their ride. A speech and papers have been worked on and there will be plenty more in the next few weeks. The semester is winding down. Amazing.

A wedding celebration this Friday will open the season of weddings (three other response cards have recently been mailed.) Marriage is one of God's wonderful plans -- such a true blessing, this life-long covenant.

In just a few minutes we will all sit down with our calendars in hand and do what is fondly known as "family planning" here at the Sinclair home. We have been calling it that for years, and even though someone pointed out the double meaning of the phrase (which we had failed to realize) it has stuck. So in our home, never get nervous when "family planning" is noted as a Monday morning happening for parents and all kids as well... :) What can I say?

Happy beginning of the week to all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying for you, my dear. Thanks for the math info...I now have lots of great points to ponder as I make my decision. At one point I asked myself, "C'mon, Lisa. Is this really a big deal- choosing a third grade math?" Then, I remembered my goal to invest now (as I'll have AT LEAST six more following not far behind) in something that works. I do agree that each child has his/her own needs when it comes to materials and learning in general, but you can also be sure that we will not be changing major math curriclum every year to perfectly accommodate each child. Oh, how deprived are my little kiddos here at the school of hard knocks. HA!

2:48 PM  

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