Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lost Treasure

Deep cleaning is always a bit of a treasure hunt, is it not? At our home it is.

A day or so ago we rearranged a couple pieces of furniture. One was an antique blanket chest. My son and dear friend hoisted it and carried it upstairs to my room. First we emptied it in hopes of alleviating a heavy load. Rather than being filled with bedding, this blanket chest contained untold numbers of envelopes filled with photos and slides, which, upon removal from the chest, settled here and there all over the family room. Now was that a source of distraction or not? As the piles were carried upstairs, they were looked over, you can be sure. Many images have been scanned; you may have already viewed them on my daughter's facebook.

Such rearranging always unearths tidbits that demand moments of reflection and reminiscing. Little handwritten notes, an old museum ticket, a receipt for a Mount Vernon tour all stir up memories worthy of recollection and savoring one final time before a decision is made to toss them in the waste paper basket. Waste paper.

But reminders of fond memories none-the-less.

The photos are kept, stowed away once again. Dimpled smiles, toddler antics, birthday celebrations, and sisterly hugs - all will be retrieved the next time we deep clean and will elicit again one more tear, one more round of story-telling, one more misty smile.

And a mom's heart will sigh in disbelief, then acceptance. And these days I sigh at last with joy.  I'm learning. These earthly days pass and with them go the memories, fading in the passing. Only what is done for Him will remain.

Great is His faithfulness. It reaches to the heavens. And that is treasure everlasting.