Sunday, July 14, 2013

We Are A Motley Crew

A summer evening of hot sun, humid air, and no breeze. A pool with clear sparkling water. And people. About 79 people. All kinds of people.

Families, singles, young adults, children, and plenty of us older models.

Plain church folk, contemporary church members, repentant alcoholics, little girls with braids, tattooed ladies, moms in long skirts and head coverings, others in shorts, city bred, country bred, European bred, black and white. Mechanics, grocers, salesmen, teachers, preachers, homemakers.

A motley crew.

Why were we together? Together we witnessed the baptism of 9 from our midst. Christians - believers confessing their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior - entered into the waters of baptism as an outward sign of the spiritual reality of passing through death and being born again into newness of life in Christ. Children, teens, young adults, and even a couple of "old models". All embarking on a journey of faith in Jesus, of declaring His Lordship in their lives.

Is there anything more wondrous? We are family - all who put their trust in Him. We represent every stripe, tribe, nation, color. Together we share a common goal: eternity in His presence.

I smiled as I watched. Ladies in denim jumpers and head coverings hugging women with nose piercings and short shorts as they came up out of the water. Tattooed and tanned guys wearing Harley t-shirts embraced men in pleated polyester dress pants in celebration. Fathers held daughters and sons close, friends wept for joy with friends, mothers brought towels and wiped tears. Joy, joy, joy!

We are His. His love makes us one.

This motley crew? We belong to each other. We belong to Him.